Oops! Lack of Compliance Oversight May Have Cost San Diego Big
You know that old joke about the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing? Well, no one was laughing when that very phenomenon occurred with San Diego’s municipal purchasing, according to the Times of San Diego, leaving the door open for loads of potential fraud.
Expense ManagementShould Your Business Approve Luxury Hotel Expenses?
Travel expenses can be pretty high to begin with, making the idea of luxury hotel stays for employees seem ludicrous. But that added bit of luxury can go a long way toward offsetting the bustle, headaches and hassle of corporate travel. Buying Business Travel says investing in the well-being of your regular business travelers can pay off handsomely.
Expense ManagementAnything Worse Than Expense Fraud? Well, Yes
Expense fraud is bad, but it’s not the only way or even the worst way companies can get scammed. The annual Association of Certified Fraud Examiners report revealed nearly 50 percent of small businesses eventually fall prey to some type of fraud. Each instance averages $114,000, and is usually pulled off by a trusted employee.
Expense Fraud, Expense ReportsHackers Hitting Up Travel Industry
Travel-related websites have been hit hard with data breaches over the past few months, with hackers infiltrating more than 20 sites. Two of them were United Airlines and American Airlines, TechWorld reports, and it’s not necessarily your personal information the hackers are after. These guys want your miles.
Expense Management, Business TravelIntegrate Corporate Cards with your Travel and Expense Solution
I know, I know. The thought of employees running rampant with activated plastic in their hands can sound a little scary at first. Especially when we hear some of the real-life stories of poor decisions with corporate credit cards like lottery tickets, cosmetic surgery, and pet food!
But the flip side includes benefits for both your company and your weary business travelers. So whether your company calls them company cards, travel cards or T&E cards, consider these benefits:
For Travel ManagersExpense Fraud Costs Companies Millions
A little padding of the corporate expense account can add up to a lot of lost cash, as evidenced by a report from Oversight Systems. The report found companies lost nearly $14 million due to fraudulent expenses filed in 2014 – and that was a loss calculated over only a 90-day period. Do the math to estimate losses from expense fraud over the entire year, and annual losses climb to more than $50 million.
Expense Management, Expense Fraud, Expense ReportsIs E-Invoicing the Wave of Future?
Big data is already changing the ways companies engage in sales, marketing and operations. And its impact is not expected to stop there. Tradeshift CEO Christian Lanng predicts big data’s next big move is into the fields of finance and procurement, with a massive shift into the world of e-invoicing.
3 IT Certainties for CFOs in 2015
Whether you’re a CFO or CEO, IT is likely a foundation of your business. And whether it’s for order management or expense management infrastructure or software, you’ll need a continued focus on IT in 2015. Here are 3 certainties in the IT landscape that you will need to address with your IT department.
What Did Marilyn Monroe Wear When Traveling With Her Boss?
Not the same thing you would wear when traveling with your boss—that’s for sure! So, is there actually such a thing as etiquette when traveling with your boss— and guidelines on what to wear? Indeed! One man taking his first ever business trip found out the hard way. Here are some tips to follow that will keep you in the comfort zone and make you shine like the professional that you are when traveling with the Big Kahuna!
What Do Victoria’s Secret, Big Data and Predictive Analytics Have in Common
2014 was the year that talk of Big Data seemed to be everywhere. From office water coolers to dinner parties, conversation included talk of data, predictive analytics, and the cloud.